Back issues of A Museletter:
Ten Two-Bar Tunes for sight reading and reinforcing basics (treble clef)
Would you like companionship in your teaching? Free Support Group for Women in String Music Composition, Leadership and Education in the 21st Century in TUNE 21
The Royal String Teacher Association
Rhythm Games / Activities to Improve Rhythmic Coordination (that work)
First step plain quarter notes with your feet.
Next clap a rhythm. (See below for suggestions.)
Put your steps on quarter note beats together with clapping the rhythm. Follow the instructions & apply them each week with the new rhythm, or one your teacher expects. You can also use this pattern with a scale by playing a chosen rhythm on each note of a scale.
These are all things I have made to promote and inspire our work in string playing, so would you please let me know if any of my ideas are useful to you? Thanks a lot! xx – Bonny
Take this rhythm and clap it while stepping quarter notes with your feet. Follow the instructions & apply them each week with the new rhythm, or one your teacher expects.